Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation 2024-06-08T21:09:58+07:00 Nur Mauliska Open Journal Systems <p><strong><em>Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation </em>(AICROM) </strong>is an international conference organized by Zainul Hasan Islamic University Genggong. AICROM serves as a platform for scholarly works related to religious moderation, encourages intellectual discourse, and advances research in the field. The conference plays an important role in exploring, enriching, and expanding theories and studies on religious moderation, as well as making a positive contribution to the intellectual richness of the field.</p> RELIGIOUS MODERATION PRACTICES IN INDONESIA: A CASE STUDY IN THE MULTI-RELIGIOUS VILLAGE OF BALUN-TURI, LAMONGAN 2024-03-11T10:34:15+07:00 Muhammad Arwani Rofi’i Dwi Nur Adella Lutfiya Nurmayanti <p>Religious moderation practices are an important phenomenon in the context of religious diversity faced by communities worldwide, including in Indonesia. Balun-Turi Village, Lamongan, is an interesting example to study in this regard, as it exhibits harmonious religious diversity (Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism) among its residents. This research aims to understand the religious moderation practices in Balun-Turi Village and the factors influencing them. The research methodology used is field research with a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews and participatory observation. The research findings indicate that religious moderation practices in Balun-Turi Village are supported by several factors. First, there is a longstanding tradition of tolerance and mutual assistance among the villagers. Second, the role of religious and community leaders in promoting interfaith dialogue and cooperation. Third, inclusive religious education and teaching of universal values of peace and harmony. Fourth, active involvement of youth in interfaith activities to strengthen inter-community relations. This research concludes that religious moderation practices in Balun-Turi Village, Lamongan, are the result of collaborative efforts of various parties in building religious harmony. The implications of these findings underscore the importance of strengthening interfaith cooperation and promoting interfaith dialogue as strategic steps in maintaining peaceful and inclusive religious diversity at the local level.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation VALUES OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE PEOPLE OF TANON VILLAGE, PAPAR DISTRICT, KEDIRI REGENCY 2024-03-15T10:06:58+07:00 Marita Lailia Rahman Muhammad Habib Adi Putra <p>The people in Tanon village actually have religious diversity, namely Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity. The village has a temple as a place of worship for the Hindu community there. The purpose of this study is that the author wants to dig deeper related to four value indicators in religious moderation in the community in Tanon Village, Papar District, Kediri District. The method used is qualitative with data collection techniques of interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data triangulation. The findings of this study are the values of love for the homeland (national commitment), tolerance, love for peace (non-violence), love for culture (respect for tradition) which are manifested in community activities in the village.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation IMPLEMENTATION OF DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION FOR IMPROVEMENT OF MATHEMATICAL CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS BY PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA 2024-03-08T06:12:03+07:00 Valeria Suryani Kurnila Dwi Juniati Agung Lukito <p>Learning is a learning concept that prepares students to face era 4.0 and the 21st century. This learning concept aims to produce competent lifelong learners who have character and behave according to the values of Pancasila. Based on a review of some literature, the author obtained several principles in DI that provide opportunities to improve mathematical critical thinking skills. First, the uniqueness of DI is using the power of questioning. The meaningful questions stimulate a growth mindset and impact the students' mathematical critical thinking process. Second, DI incorporates metacognitive activities in learning. If these activities are combined in mathematics learning, it will increase the meaningfulness of learning. So that the critical thinking process can run well and as it should. Third, DI also provides opportunities for students to learn from their point of view, not only from the teacher's. Students are free to learn with different perspectives through their interests, talents and interests in developing concepts in mathematics learning. This condition provides opportunities for students to carry out critical thinking processes. Fourth, DI also provides space for teachers to provide feedback with a growth mindset. The questions in this feedback do not only invite "Yes" or "No" answers from students. Instead, they stimulate students' scientific answers. Students can provide a broader and more scientific explanation of their task. This process will require students to think critically in delivering answers to the feedback questions given by the teacher.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE IMPACT OF DISCOVERY LEARNING ON THE MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION ABILITY ON TRIGONOMETRIC MATERIALS 2024-03-11T10:34:49+07:00 Maulidia Kartika Putri Rahma Febriyanti Rayinda Aseti Prafianti <p>Mathematical communication ability in Indonesia are still relatively low due to students'lack of mastery of concepts and lack of teacher attention. This is evidenced by the fact that students cannot capture, master, and explain questions in their own words. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Discovery Learning model on the mathematical communication abilities of class X students in trigonometric material. This research is a quantitativeresearch. This research was conducted on class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Mantup, with a sample of 66 students selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques obtained from observation and tests. Data were tested using n-gain, normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis testing using the t test. The results showed that after being given treatment the average posttest score of the experimental class was higher than that of the control class. In addition, based on the results of the hypothesis test, the value of <em>sig (2-tailed)</em>is less than 0,005 (0,000&lt;0,05) then it is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of the Discovery Learning model on the mathematical communication abilities of class X students in trigonometry material</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE INFLUENCE OF THE GROUP DISCUSSION LEARNING MODEL ON STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES IN INTEGER MATERIALS 2024-03-07T12:33:03+07:00 Nur Ilmayasinta Anis Hilda Intani <p>This research aims to examine whether or not there is an influence obtained from the application of the group discussion learning model on students in order to improve mathematics learning outcomes, as well as produce a clear and detailed picture of whether or not student learning outcomes have improved through the application of the group discussion learning model. This type of research is qualitative research. Data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires, documentation, tests and data triangulation. The instrument in this research is a questionnaire sheet which is given to students to fill out and uses an instrument in the form of a test question sheet. The subjects in this research were 28 grade VI students at SDN Plosowahyu, Lamongan District, Lamongan Regency for the 2022/2023 academic year, consisting of 17 male students and 11 female students. Data analysis was carried out by referring to the Miles and Huberman model of qualitative analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that there is an influence on student learning outcomes by implementing the group discussion learning model which increases the number of integer material.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE INFLUENCE OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODELS ON CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY IN TWO VARIABLELINEAR EQUATION SYSTEMS AS SEEN FROM LEARNING STYLE 2024-03-11T10:38:25+07:00 Azifatul Khusna Rayinda Aseti Prafianti M. Ulul Albab <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of problem based learning models on critical thinking ability in two variable linear equation systems as seen from learning style. This research was a quantitative research using<em>Factorial Design</em>. This research was conducted on class VIII students of SMPN 2 Sugio. The sampling technique in this study was<em>Purposive Sampling</em>, with VIIIA class as the experimental class and VIIIB class as the control class, each of which has 32 students. Data collection techniques in this study used tests of critical thinking ability and learning style questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the application of the learning model<em>Problem Based Learning </em>effect on the ability to think critically both students with visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles in the matter of two variable linear equation systems. Results<em>pretest </em>students with a visual learning style show an average value of 57 which increases as seen from the value<em>posttest </em>that is 91.41. Results<em>pretest </em>students with an auditory learning style show an average value of 53.3, which increases as seen from the value<em>posttest </em>that is 90.6. Students with kinesthetic learning styles, results<em>pretest </em>showed an average value of 59.1, then experienced an increase as seen from the value<em>posttest </em>that is 90.7.PBL learning model influences students' critical thinking ability, learning style has a significant effect on critical thinking ability, critical thinking ability is more influenced by the PBL learning model than learning style.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING MEDIA WITH A SCRATCH-BASED ETHNOMATHEMATICAL APPROACH ON REFLECTION MATERIAL 2024-06-08T21:09:58+07:00 Abdul Wahid Asadullah Elly Anjarsari M. Ulul Albab <p>This study aims to learn how to develop learning media, knowing the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of reflection learning media with a Scratch-based ethnomathematical approach. This research uses research and development methods (Research and Development) with the Borg and Gall model that Sugiono has modified. The data collection techniques used are interviews and questionnaires. The research instruments used are interview guidelines, material and media expert validation sheets, questionnaire sheets, and test sheets (pretest and posttest). The results of this study are (1) Development of web-based scratch application-assisted learning media that students can access anytime and anywhere. (2) The score of the material expert validator is 33, with a percentage of 83%; in this case, the learning media has met the eligibility criteria with no revision. The score of the media expert validator is 58, with a percentage of 66%, meaning that the learning media has met the feasible criteria with partial revision (3). The results of the practicality analysis of 26 with a percentage of 72.2 shows that his learning media meets practical criteria. (4) There is an increase in learning outcomes before and after using scratch learning media from 15% to 77%. The average score of the results of student response analysis is 47, with an average percentage of 79%, so the learning media has met the effective criteria.</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation ACTUALIZATION OF THE KHIDMAH PROGRAM IN IMPLEMENTING RELIGIOUS MODERATION VALUES IN STUDENTS AT THE LIRBOYO ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL 2024-03-09T05:49:58+07:00 Ngalimatul Mukarromah Hidayatul Maslakha Muhammad Ullin Nuha <p>The aim of the research is to discuss the actualization of the khidmah program in instilling the values ​​of religious moderation in students at the Lirboyo Kediri Islamic boarding school. religion, namely taking the middle path (tawasuth), tolerance (tasamuh), justice ('is), balance (tawāzzun). The approach to this research is qualitative and the type uses descriptive-qualitative field research. The results of the research state that the importance and effectiveness of the khidmah program in the current millennial era is in order to instill the values ​​of religious moderation which have begun to be eroded by the times, through classroom learning using the classic yellow book and learning outside the classroom such as deliberations whose aim is to implement four pillar of the values ​​of religious moderation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE EXISTENCE OF THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS AS COMMUNITY SELF-HELP IN REALIZING RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE DIGITAL ERA 2024-03-08T06:15:47+07:00 Muhammad Rizqi Mubarok Hidayatul Maslakha <p><em>The aim of the study is to discuss the existence of the role of the boarding house as a private society in the digital age by preserving the tradition of training in order to prepare a moderate generation in accordance with the values of religious moderation. The approach in this investigation is qualitative and uses field research that is descriptive-qualitative. The results of the research indicate that the important role of the hostel in the digital age in order to instill the values of religious moderation that have begun to flourish, through attitudes of tolerance toward each other, so that in society, the hosts can be moderate as they are in religious values moderation to maintain the existence of hostels in a role in the surrounding environment.</em></p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation STRENGTHENING RELIGIOUS MODERATION VALUES IN THE SABILU TAUBAH TAKLIM ASSEMBLY IN KARANGGAYAM VILLAGE, BLITAR DISTRICT 2024-03-08T06:07:42+07:00 Hidayatul Maslaha Muhammad Ullin Nuha <p><em>The aim of the research is to discuss the importance of strengthening the values </em><em>​​</em><em>of religious moderation in taklim assemblies which have a background of many social deviations occurring in society such as social discrimination, social conflict, oppression, and so on. In preventing this, there is a need to strengthen the values </em><em>​​</em><em>of religious moderation again. in the taklim assembly. The approach to this research is qualitative and the type uses descriptive-qualitative field research. The results of the research state that it is very important to strengthen values </em><em>​​</em><em>in this case, such as balance (tawazun), justice (al-'is), deliberation, commitment to nationality, accepting culture, non-violence, maintaining the good and tolerance. In practice, strengthening religious moderation is carried out by making religious teachings a source of peace between people and ensuring that the practice of religion can be carried out safely</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE INFLUENCE OF LIFESTYLE, FINANCIAL LITERACY AND FINANCIAL ATTITUDE ON FINANCIAL BEHAVIOR 2024-03-09T10:06:48+07:00 Diyah Ayu Safitri Ningtiyas Citra Mulya Sari <p>This research is motivated by the progress of the globalization era which is changing peoples behavior in carrying out their daily activities. Such as the emergence of e-commerce which is able to provide very easy and efficient access to every individual in online-based transaction activities which causes an inevitable shift in lifestyle and consumer behavior. Changes in behaviour that are quite extreme, if not balanced with knowledge in the financial sector, can cause losses and regrets in the future. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of lifestyle, financial literacy, and financial attitudes on financial behavior simultaneously. This research uses a quantitative approach with an associative type of research. Data was collected through a questionnaire method. Collection used simple random sampling. The number of samples used in this research was 360 respondents. The respondents were female residents of Kedungwaru Village, Kedungwaru District, Tulungagung Regency. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research show that 1) Simultaneously lifestyle, financial literacy, and financial attitudes have a positive and significant effect on financial behavior. 2) Lifestyle partially has a positive and significant effect on financial behavior. 3) Financial Literacy partially has a positive and significant effect on financial behavior. 4) Financial attitudes partially have a positive and significant effect on financial behavior among female residents of Kedungwaru Village, Kedungwaru District, Tulungagung Regency. The conclusion of this research is that simultaneously lifestyle, financial literacy, and financial attitudes have a positive and significant effect on financial behavior in the female population of Kedungwaru village, Kedungwaru subdistrict, Tulungagung district.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation RELIGIOUS MODERATION AS A UNIFIER OF THE NATION AND CONQUEROR OF NEGATIVE SENTIMENT 2024-03-11T10:37:56+07:00 Hanifah Fadilla Putri Mohammad Auza’I Aqib <p>Indonesia is a democratic country that guarantees freedom for its residents to practice their respective religions. This is stated in the first principle of Pancasila which states that belief in one God and freedom of religion is guaranteed in Article 29 paragraph 2 of the 1945 constitution. Religious diversity in Indonesia is in the spotlight because social conflicts with religious backgrounds that arise in society result in negative sentiment from various parties, both domestically and abroad. This research aims to discuss the sharpness of religious sentiment in Indonesia, religious moderation due to social conflict, and the role of society in realizing neighborly peace in religious differences. This research uses a library research approach, the data analysis used in this research is content analysis. This study concludes that Indonesia has a variety of beliefs with the need for understanding and awareness in respecting differences in religious sentiments, pluralism, and interacting with everyone fairly. An attitude of religious moderation is needed to teach respect for differences, chat well, be non-violent, maintain local wisdom, and create harmony between religious communities. The role of religious counselors and community leaders is needed to promote moderation and peace in the dynamics of religious diversity in society.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation MEMBANGUN SIKAP MODERASI BERAGAMA PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI MATERI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM BERBASIS PESANTREN STUDI KASUS DI MA AL-MAHRUSIYAH LIRBOYO KOTA KEDIRI 2024-03-25T21:27:09+07:00 Nashrulloh Ahsan Nurul Atikoh Mufrodatul Hidayah <p>Religious moderation is an attitude that leads to an understanding of tolerance and respect for differences in ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup. As an effort to prevent conflicts of religious moderation from an early age, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research includes the value of religious moderation in an Islamic Religious Education curriculum which is realized through school institutions throughout Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to find out how to build students' religious moderation attitudes through pesantren-based Islamic Religious Education materials at MA Al-Mahrusiyah Lirboyo Kediri City. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this study are as an effort to prevent conflicts related to religious moderation, the school adopts two curricula, namely the Ministry of Religious Affairs curriculum and the Al-Mahrusiyah Foundation curriculum itself which is included in the mulok category, namely aswaja subjects. Activities that support the strengthening of religious moderation outside of school are also attempted by the school through IPNU/IPPNU activities. The form of religious moderation in the Islamic Religious Education curriculum contained in MA Al-Mahrusiyah is the creation of an attitude of tolerance, respect for a teacher, participating in routine prayer activities together, respecting ethnic and racial differences, avoiding conflict between friends, willingness to learn and share knowledge with Muslims and non-Muslims about religion, always being kind and fair.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS ON LIFESTYLE THROUGH DIGITAL LITERACY 2024-03-11T10:37:23+07:00 Citra Mulya Sari Tegar Tegar Nila Nafisatul Bashiroh <p><em>In the era of digitalization with a very wide reach, it influences humans in doing everything including consumption, especially the student lifestyle or what is called lifestyle. With the very rapid development of technology, many content creators share daily content or what is usually called a day in my life and even market products packaged in one interesting video so that it has high appeal. This results in consumer behavior that results in buying because the product is cute or interesting rather than buying because it is necessary. This behavior can create a new lifestyle. When this happens to everyone, it will give rise to feelings of desire and the emergence of a sense of competition between people regarding this lifestyle without paying attention to socio-economic conditions. Consumptive behavior can be said to be actions carried out by excessive use of products. It is no longer only intended to satisfy a need, but as a means of fulfilling desires, transmuting activities seeking satisfaction, channeling favorite activities or hobbies. This research aims to analyze socio-economic status of lifestyle through technological developments with digital literacy. This research uses qualitative methods, by examining several students whether digital literacy influences lifestyle regardless of socio-economic status. The method in this article uses library research. Secondary data is data obtained through information sources or media including scholarly books and writing results that are relevant to writing. Analytical descriptive research method, collecting data indirectly by examining&nbsp;the&nbsp;object. The higher the level of socioeconomic status of parents among FEBI UIN SATU Tulungagung students, the higher the level of digital literacy.</em></p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation ECONOMIC MODERATION BUILDING MODERATION REASONING IN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES 2024-03-11T10:26:34+07:00 M. Zikwan M. Zikwan <p>This research aims to integrate the aspect of wasatiyyah in economics. Islamic wasatiyyah is a religious concept that is highly relevant in every dimension of life, including the economic dimension. In the context of economics, wasatiyyah plays a significant role because through its application, it can build economic activities based on inclusive Islamic values and in favor of justice, thus positively impacting societal welfare. This research brings novelty in the form of wasatiyyah Iqtishadiyah as an effort towards economic justice, which has not been previously explored by researchers.</p> <p>The research findings indicate that Religious moderation is a highly important principle in economics inspired by the Islamic conception of Wasatiyyah. In this context, economic moderation refers to a balanced approach between the worldly and spiritual dimensions, a balance between the divine and human dimensions, a balance between worship and transactions, and a balance between religious dimensions and the economic needs of society. The implementation of Wasatiyyah Iqtishadiyah values will help create an economic system that is fair, transparent, and promotes social justice.</p> <p>The conclusion of this research is that the concept of wasatiyyah is not something new, but rather it is born alongside the teachings of Islam itself. In Islam, the principle of wasatiyyah resides at the core of every aspect of Islamic teachings, whether in the realm of belief, law, spirituality, or transactions. The concept of wasatiyyah also exists in religious, social, political, and economic affairs. In economic activities, there are several fundamental values of wasatiyyah, including the balance between the worldly and the hereafter, the balance between worship and transactions, the balance between the divine and human dimensions, and the balance in meeting needs.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation IMPLEMENTATION OF MUDHARABAH AGREMEENT FOR SHALLOT FARMING IN ISLAMIC MODERATION PERSPECTIVE (Case Study of Shallot Farming Communities in Pajarakan Probolinggo) 2024-03-08T06:22:53+07:00 Waqi’atul Aqidah <p>This study aims to analyze the application of the mudharabah contract of onion farming in the perspective of Islamic moderation. This study was conducted in Pajarakan District, Probolinggo Regency. Informants of this study are farmers and owners of capital and land. This research method is a qualitative method of phenomenological approach. Data analysis is done by data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results found that; 1) the position of mudharib in the employment relationship is prone to be exploited; 2) profit sharing has not been proportional to the contribution of Labor and time mudharib; 3) the distribution of risk has not been explained clearly and fully in the agreement. With the perspective of Islamic moderation, mudharabah should be; 1) there is a clear and fair distribution of rights and obligations between parties; 2) there is a proportional and known distribution of benefits and risks; 3) there is a commitment to wise Conflict Resolution; 4) business cooperation relationships are based on the benefit of the Ummah</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE BASIS OF SOCIAL HARMONY IN A PLURAL SOCIETY, LIPRAKWETAN VILLAGE, BANYUANYAR DISTRICT, PROBOLINGGO DISTRICT 2024-03-08T06:25:42+07:00 Eka Rahayu Astri Rakhmawati <p>Harmonization of a plural society in the context of religious moderation is an effort to achieve harmony and balance between the diversity of religions, beliefs and religious practices in a heterogeneous society. Religious moderation refers to an approach that respects diversity of beliefs and spiritual values while promoting tolerance, respect, and cooperation between religious groups. This paper aims to analyze the role of religion and belief systems in strengthening or threatening social harmony in the LiprakWetan community. The research method is qualitative with descriptive research type. The subjects in this research were residents of Kokon hamlet, LiprakWetan Village. Data collection methods use interviews, observation and documentation to complete the data. The research results showed that the LiprakWetan community could build mutually respectful cooperation and strengthen relations between religious groups. Communities can create inclusive and empowering environments, strengthening the foundations for peace and shared progress.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation ASSISTANCE OF THE AHLUSSUNNAH WAL JAMA'AH CREED IN IMPLEMENTING RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE COMMUNITY IN GUYANGAN KRUCIL PROBOLINGGO 2024-03-09T05:51:59+07:00 Moh. Abd Rahman Rini Safitri <p>This research aims to explore further how the Aqidah mentoring method implemented in the Guyangan Krucil Probolinggo village community strengthens moderate attitudes in religion. The community must study, deepen and preach the Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah creed more intensively compared to Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia in general. people study the texts of books, especially those containing material from the book of Aqidah, such as Mukhtasar Sullam al-Tawfiq by Sheikh 'Abdullah al-Harari. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach. This method is useful for looking comprehensively and in depth at mentoring methods which include; methods, principles and implementation of learning as well as evaluation of the implementation of Aqidah assistance implemented by the community of Guyangan village, Probolinggo. This research produced several findings, namely; 1) Community assistance methods. The methods applied include; Mentoring method, Inquiry method and Peer Tutor method. 2) The mentoring method is implemented in several activities such as: theoretical understanding, efforts to maintain Muhadharah traditions and activities.3) Supporting factors for mentoring include: Professionalism of community leaders and interactive mentoring methods.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation Trend of the term "LOG IN" Religious Moderation Education Style among Gen Z 2024-03-10T11:42:49+07:00 Puput Lestari Jihan Inayah <p>This research examines the phenomenon of the term "log-in" which is widely used by Generation Z. The term log-in was popularized by Habib Husein Ja'far, whose content can be enjoyed by all groups. Uniquely, this term is understood by Gen Z circles as connoting religious moderation, which is an ideal concept for Indonesia as a plural and multicultural country. The focus of this study, first, examines Habib Husein Ja'far's educational style in introducing religious moderation. Second, how the term log-in can represent the meaning of religious moderation among Gen Z. Using a content analysis approach, the author tries to analyze content that contains the term log-in on the YouTube platform owned by Habib Husein Ja'far. Then how does the term "log in" which previously meant the process of someone entering something, now become a term that conveys the meaning of religious moderation. It is hoped that the results of this research will be able to provide insight for the public that the style of religious moderation education can also be adapted to modern times and become an alternative for all levels of Indonesian society in carrying out the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, Article 28I and Law No. 39 of 1999 concerning human rights as citizens of a moderate religion.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE REALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION THROUGH THE ROLE OF RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTORS IN INCREASING ZAKAT AND WAQF LITERACY IN THE PEOPLE OF PROBOLINGGO CITY (CASE STUDY OF THE MINISTRY OF RELIGION OF PROBOLINGGO CITY) 2024-03-15T13:04:59+07:00 Zahida I’tisoma Billah Citra Mulyasari <p><em>The Ministry of Religious Affairs as one of the pioneers of religious moderation, one of the nine keywords of religious moderation is realizing the benefit of the people, so through this study, researchers want to analyze the contribution of religious instructors in increasing literacy and identify supporting and inhibiting factors. Through a qualitative approach with a case study, the results show that religious instructors in Probolinggo City actively carry out community counseling and education activities, including close cooperation with educational institutions. Strengthening this cooperation mainly involves organizing activities in schools and educational institutions, integrating zakat and waqf literacy materials into the curriculum, and providing training to educators. In addition, religious instructors also utilize social media and information technology to reach a wider audience. Literacy campaigns through online platforms, digital content creation, and mobile application development are part of the effective strategies in building public awareness on zakat and waqf practices. Although the role of religious instructors has contributed positively, some constraints such as limited resources and persisting myths have become inhibiting factors. The strategy of strengthening cooperation with educational institutions and utilizing social media and information technology open up opportunities to overcome these obstacles. This study concludes that the role of religious instructors in Probolinggo City plays a crucial role in improving zakat and waqf literacy. By understanding the supporting and inhibiting factors, further strategies can be identified to strengthen the contribution of religious instructors in shaping people's understanding and practices related to zakat and waqf. With the active role of religious instructors in the city of Probolinggo, it is hoped that the Muslim community is truly aware of their obligation to pay zakat in order to transfer from muzakki to mustahik, so that mustahik can fulfill their needs to achieve prosperity.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Religious Moderation, Literacy, Zakat, Waqf</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation Implementation of English with the Direct Method to Increase Motivation to Learn and preach Islam at Nurus Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School 2024-03-11T10:28:29+07:00 Zainuddin <p>Motivation plays a vital role in education, with motivation students will be diligent, diligent, enthusiastic about learning, and become quality people. However, at Nurus Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School, there are still students who are lazy and lack enthusiasm for studying Islam. This research aims to describe how important it is to use the direct method to increase students' Islamic learning motivation at Nurus Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this research illustrate that the application of the direct method has a significant positive impact on increasing the student's learning motivation. In this research, the students showed increased enthusiasm, perseverance, and passion for studying Islam. This direct method seems to have awakened their interest in religious learning and encouraged them to be more dedicated to pursuing an understanding of the Islamic religion. These findings provide an important contribution in the context of religious education and the development of effective teaching methods.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation Moderasi Beragama dalam Novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Vander Wijk Karya Buya Hamka 2024-03-11T10:36:58+07:00 Ahmad Ilzamul Hikam <p>Humans live in this world interconnected with other humans. Between them there is a relationship and bond that mutually needs each other. Islam desires that relationships between humans be built on a straight basis and correct manhaj. All of this will be realized when some of them respect others. Each of them adheres to the adab of muamalah, good company, polite words, respecting guests and everything that was commanded by Rasulullah SAW. The aim of this research is to determine the values ​​of moderation contained in the novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Vanderwijk by Hamka. In this research, qualitative research was used with the object of library research (Library Research). The data analysis method in this research is the content analysis method. The results of this research found the values ​​of moderation packaged by Hamka in the novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Vanderwijk.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE EFFECT OF JARIMATIKA IN MEMORIZING ALQURAN IN MTS MUHAJIRIN DINOYO MOJOKERTO 2024-03-11T10:33:18+07:00 M. Rizal Firmansyah Shofiyatul Hasanah Nurul Afidah <p>In memorizing Qur’an there are various ways and methods to facilitate memorization. Al-Qur’an <em>Jarimatika</em> is new innovation in memorizing Qur’an. It presents innovative and fun learning for students, and students can more easily understand the Qur’an and Islamic value better. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of<em>Jarimatika</em> Methods on memorizing Qur’an for class VII Students at MTs MuhajirinDinoyo, Jatirejo, Mojokerto.The research method used in this research was mixed method. The data source used in this study were primary and secondary data sources. Data collections techniques included pre-test and post-test to identify the effect of <em>Jarimatika</em> method. Researchers gathered the data by using observation, interview, and documentation.Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of the Al-Qur’an <em>jarimatika</em> method has a significant influence on memorizing the Qur’an. This Method facilitates and trains student’s motor sensors, especially since its application is quite simple so that learning is more effective and efficient.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation HARMONI SOSIAL EKONOMI DALAM MODERASI AGAMA: MEMBANGUN KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT MULTIKULTURAL DI INDONESIA 2024-03-19T10:18:08+07:00 Babul Bahrudin <p>Religious moderation must be implemented in all aspects of life, including the social economy of society. Not only do we talk about harmony in the sense of respecting differences, but there must also be harmonization in the socio-economic field to build shared prosperity in the face of differences. The objectives of this research are 1) to analyze the concept of socio-economic harmony that can be implemented in the context of religious moderation in Indonesia. 2) to analyze the role of religion in creating a balance between social and economic aspects in the Multicultural Society in Indonesia. This research is a type of library research whose object of study uses library data in the form of books, journals and other relevant literature sources as data sources. Apart from that, researchers read, reviewed and analyzed existing literature to draw conclusions. This research concludes that. the concept of socio-economic harmonization in the context of religious moderation which can be implemented in community life in Indonesia in the form of 1) balance between justice and economic development, 2) tolerance and respect for diversity, 3) promotion of entrepreneurship based on religious values, 4) strengthening inter-religious dialogue in the context of economy. Then the role of religion in creating a balance between social and economic aspects in the Multicultural Society in Indonesia, namely religion plays a role in instilling economic morality and ethics, economic empowerment, instilling human values, community development based on local wisdom, and promoting inter-religious dialogue.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation CULTIVATION OF ASSEMBLY ROUTINES IN THE COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENT IN FERTILIZING RELIGIOUS HARMONY IN BERMI VILLAGE, PROBOLINGGO DISTRICT 2024-03-11T10:36:06+07:00 Kustiana Arisanti M.Ali Yasin Samsul Hadi Kacong Hendarto <p>The activity in carrying out this activity is a form of mentoring that has been carried out by members of some of students and lecture of Zainul Hasan Islamic University of Genggong in various assembly activities in Bermi village, from science assemblies to routine assemblies. From the observations we found, Bermi village has a lack of specific religious knowledge in the field of corpse management, even though Bermi village has many assemblies. The result of this activity is to increase assembly activities in Bermi village to foster views in religious knowledge for the entire Bermi village community.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation MODERASI BERAGAMA DALAM FILM ASSALAMUALAIKUM BEIJING KARYA GUNTUR SOEHARJANTO 2024-03-11T10:35:22+07:00 Magfirotul Hamdiah Mohammad Wahyu Utomo <p>Since 2019, religious moderation has begun to emerge by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenag RI). Religious moderation is a new breakthrough that is considered to be more reconciling and tolerant between religious communities. Apart from the real world, religious moderation can also be found in works, namely films. Films have topics or themes that are raised according to the director's concept. Film topics can include romance, horror, comedy or love between different religions. The topic of love between different religions is a topic that is liked by people in all circles. This research aims to describe the form of religious moderation found in the film Assalamualaikum Beijing by Guntur Soeharjanto. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive research. The data collection techniques used are listening, note-taking and documentation techniques. The data source used is the film Assalamualaikum Beijing, while the data required is in the form of sentences or words that contain religious moderation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction and checking the validity of the data. The results and discussion contained in this research are a description of the form of religious moderation in the film Assalamualaikum Beijing by Guntur Soeharjanto.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation UNDERSTANDING RELIGIOUS MODERATION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON FAMILY RECILIENCE 2024-03-11T10:29:12+07:00 Ramdan Wagianto Luqman Haqiqi Amirulloh <p>This article discusses the understanding of religious moderation in the community in Gading Kulon Village, Banyuanyar District, Probolinggo Regency. The view of religious moderation is a moderate religious view or a fair and balanced attitude. It is very important for husband and wife to behave and think moderately in their family to avoid things that could damage the honor and dignity of their family. Gading society is a multicultural society that has a good understanding of moderation. This research is qualitative research with mubjadi as the approach. Data collection was carried out using observation and interview methods. The findings in this research are that Family resilience is a tool to measure how well a family carries out its roles, functions and responsibilities to maintain the welfare of its family members. Understanding religious moderation, as a function in the family, is a moderate perspective (thinking) applied in the family environment, which can at least have an influence on family resilience. Mubilah-based religious moderation can be implemented with several principles, such as the principle of mutual respect and tolerance for differences that occur, the principle of sharing roles, and the principle of syawir (deliberation) in the family.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE CONCEPT OF RELIGIOUS HUMANISM AS A FORM OF TOLERANCE FOR RELIGIOUS HARMONY AND FAMILY BENEFIT 2024-03-18T08:39:52+07:00 Hawa’ Hidayatul Hikmiyah Syahid Akhmad Faisol2 <p>The ocentric religious humanism has the principle that religion can influence human life, seeing individuals and society as based on moral values, as is commonly found in religion. In religious humanism, religion can provide solutions. Religious humanism can also be interpreted as Gus Dur's humanism, because it is based on Islamic universalism which is believed to be able to solve humanitarian problems. Considering that Indonesia is a country with a pluralistic society, it is feared that there will be flare-ups of religious intolerance. By using the concept of religious humanism, it is hoped that it can become a basis for maintaining religious harmony and family benefit. This research uses the Library Research research method or literature review. The primary data sources used in this research are basic books on religious humanism, religious moderation and family benefit, while secondary data are supporting books that are still related to the research theme. The results of this research are that religious humanism can be used as the author's new paradigm. Because humanism is universal humanism, this thinking can cover all aspects of every religion in Indonesia. Even though there are different religions, if someone holds tightly to the same goal, namely humanity, then division will not occur. In differences, disputes often occur, whether they occur in the smallest elements, namely the family and the Indonesian nation. In line with that, this research will look at how Gus Dur's concept of religious humanism is a form of tolerance between religious communities and has an impact on the welfare of the family.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation Abdurrahman Wahid and Civil Islam 2024-03-14T10:45:48+07:00 Ahmad Muzakki <p>Gus Dur merupakan tokoh intelektual Nahdlatul Ulama yang memiliki penguasaan mendalam dalam bidang Fiqh dan Ushul Fiqh. Penguasaannya yang mendalam terhadap dua bidang keilmuan ini membawanya menjadi ahli fiqh yang moderat, kontektualis dan subtantif. Gus Dur memiliki sumbangsih pemikiran yang penting dalam konsep sistem ketatanegaraan islam khususnya di Indonesia. Pemikirannya dapat memberikan jawaban-jawaban tekstual dan kontekstual kepada para kelompok yang mengharuskan pendirian negara Islam. Uniknya, jawaban yang dipaparkan didasarkan kepada teks-teks keislaman yang terdapat dalam kitab-kitab fiqh. Ada dua isu penting yang dibahas dalam artikel ini. Pertama, prinsip-prinsip Al-Quran dan Hadits tentang sistem ketatanegaraan islam. Kedua, pemikiran Gus Dur tentang system ketatanegaraan islam. Setelah melalui pembahasan, disimpulkan bahwa diantara prinsip-prinsip sistem tata negara perspektif Al-Quran dan Hadits adalah keadilan, kesetaraan, musyawarah bersama, kebebasan dan pengawasan rakyat. Adapun pendirian negara Islam termasuk dalam ranah ijtihadiyyah karena tidak ada aturan baku dalam Al-Qur`an dan Hadits terkait dengan bentuk dan sistem pemerintahan tertentu. Adapun pemikiran moderasi beragama Gus Dur tentang sistem ketatanegaraan islam diantaranya adalah agama harus menjadi landasan moral dan etika dalam bernegara, sedangkan negara harus menjadi pengayom bagi seluruh masyarakat. Dalam Islam menurut Gus Dur tidak ada ajaran yang langsung memerintahkan umat Islam untuk mendirikan institusi kekhalifahan ataupun negara Islam. Bagi Gus Dur yang paling penting adalah memperjuangkan nilai-nilai islam dan mewujudkan maqosid syariah pendirian Negara bukan formalisme islam secara institusional</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation DAIRY CATTLE BUSINESS TO SUPPORT THE ECONOMY OF KRUCIL PROBOLINGGO COMMUNITY 2024-03-15T09:35:24+07:00 Kholifatun Nisa Nur Hasanah Iradatul Hasanah <p>Dairy farming is a business conducted by farmers to produce quality cow's milk. The cattle farming business also requires feed to meet the needs of the cows. In addition, farmers also provide fertilizer or what is called SPA to maximize the health of their dairy cows. This research aims to find out how the role of this dairy cattle business is in an effort to improve the economy of the community (farmers) in Krucil Village. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. Primary data in this study are dairy cattle farmers. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that this dairy cattle business can improve the community's economy, meaning that almost all people in Krucil Village are dairy cattle farmers to be able to meet their daily needs and to improve their standard of living better.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS OF DAIRY COWS AS ECONOMIC SUPPORT FOR THE KRUCIL PROBOLINGGO COMMUNITY 2024-03-15T09:39:48+07:00 Fera Susanti Maulidatul Ula Nanik Paripati Qomariyah <p>The process of implementing dairy cows is an activity from beginning to end that farmers do to produce quality cow's milk. The things that are done before starting a cattle farming business are the selection of cow seeds, housing, feeding and milk squeezing. The steps for milking cows are cleaning the cow's cage, giving a drink with water that has been mixed with SPA, bathing the cow until clean, and the cow is ready to be squeezed and do not forget to intersperse with feeding so that the cow can calm down when squeezed. This research aims to find out how the implementation process of this dairy cow in producing milk so that it can improve the economy of the community (farmers) in Krucil Village. This research uses qualitative methods with ABCD approach techniques. Primary data in this study are dairy farmers. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the process of implementing dairy cattle business affects the milk production of dairy cows produced. The results of this cow production can be a support for the community's economy.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation ENCULTURATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE TRANSFIGURATION OF STUDENT AS CHARACTER EDUCATION 2024-03-15T09:42:30+07:00 Moch. Umar Safari Jalaluddin Jalaluddin <p>Community service is one of the main tasks of higher education in implementing knowledge regarding environmental and social potential. Islamic Zainul Hasan Genggong of University has a service program with the theme of religious moderation. It is an effort to elaborate social and religious enculturation based on empirical and rational scientific references. This method of implementing community service refers to the asset-based community development (ABCD) approach. This approach refers to a direct analysis of environmental and social potential in service area communities. Adjusting potential and mapping assets with the theme of religious moderation is considered appropriate for the millennial student generation. This millennial generation is equipped with knowledge, given training and given direction on religious moderation among the younger generation as a Brand Ambassador of Religious Moderation. This theme and implementation was implemented at Hayatul Islam High School, Roto Village, Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency Indonesia.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation UTILIZATION OF VIRGIN SPRINGS FOR TOURISM OBJECTS IN THE VILLAGE OF LIPRAK KULON WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION 2024-03-15T10:14:00+07:00 Aprilia Coriyatus Za'ada Nur Hasanah Putri Nur Hotim Hodijah <p><em>This article discusses its origins until it has become quite a famous tourist attraction today, especially in the village of Liprak Kulon. This research is also related to religious moderation and cultural values. The religious value of life in the Virgin Springs environment in religious moderation is very good in terms of the beliefs, morals and beliefs of each individual. Virgin springs are a tourist spot discovered by the people of Liprak Kulon where initially the place was just empty land and had a flowing water source. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with data sources obtained such as the religious life of the Liprak Kulon community. The result of this research article is that we can find out about the origins, religious values and cultural values that exist in that place by conducting previous research such as observation and conducting interviews.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords:&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><em>Virgin Spring, Culture, Religion.</em></p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPLEMENTING RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN FORMING CHARACTER EDUCATION AT SDN CONDONG IV 2024-03-15T10:11:55+07:00 Ainaiyah Shabrina Suciati Milatus Sa’adah Silfiatun Mukarromah <p>Character education based on religious moderation must start from the Golden Age. Because early childhood is the right time to provide the basics of a moderate personality. This research discusses the role of character education in religious moderation in the school environment. This research aims to provide insight into teaching religious moderation can start from a young age. This research is qualitative research involving students and teachers at SDN Condong IV. Data obtained through observation for one month was then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Based on the results of this research, character education plays an important role in parenting, helping children make wise decisions and practicing them in everyday life. It can be concluded that religious moderation is an important part of developing the character of SDN Condong IV students. These results provide a deeper understanding of the importance of implementing religious moderation in shaping character education in the millennial generation.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation EXPLORATION OF BELIEFS “BUJUK KERAMAT” IN RURAL AREAS AN EXPLORATION OF BELIEFS “BUJUK KERAMAT” IN RURAL AREAS 2024-03-15T10:09:19+07:00 Saminatus Zuhriyah Eva Maufiroh Iroda Auliya <p>This study aims to explore and understand beliefs in bujuk keramat in Betek Village, Curah Krajan Hamlet, Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, data were collected through unstructured interviews and direct field observations. The results show that beliefs in bujuk keramat are still very strong in the village, even spreading to urban areas. The presence of bujuk keramat like "Bujuk Pote" and "Bujuk Genuk" has a significant influence on the community's life, not only spiritually but also economically through local tourism. In conclusion, beliefs in bujuk keramat are an important part of the identity and life of rural communities, which need to be preserved and conserved.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation IMPLEMENTATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION VALUES THROUGH IQRA' AND AL-QUR'AN TEACHING ACTIVITIES AT TPQ KHOZINATUL MUKHLASIN 2024-03-15T10:25:32+07:00 Jannatul Virdausiyah Adinda Atiqotuz Zummah <p>This research aims to analyze problems regarding the implementation or application of religious moderation values in the activities of reciting the Iqra’ and Al Qur’an at TPQ Khozinatul Mukhlasin, which is in Prasi Gading Probolinggo . The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The data needed is in the form of sentences or expressions from the source. The data collection techniques were carried out using observation, documentation, and interviews with teaching staff at TPQ Khozinatul Mukhlasin. The results of this research show that: 1) with the TPQ, it can make it easier for students or children to understand religion and strengthen attitudes of religious moderation from an early age. 2) the teacher or ustadz/ah has implemented the habit of cultivating attitudes that contain the values of religious moderation in their daily activities. So, later students will get used to these good habits, even outside of school.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation ROUTINE YASINAN AND DIBA’IYAH ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE INTER-COMMUNITY SOLIDARITY AND RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN CONDONG VILLAGE 2024-03-15T10:23:54+07:00 Mutiara Susanti Najwa Najiyah Ubudiyah Rani Sintiawati Dewi <p style="font-weight: 400;">Solidarity relations between communities are a very important matter in village life, because without close solidarity the community will not be able to achieve the goals of life together. Through routine yasinan and diba'iyah activities, community solidarity relations become better, where these activities have been ingrained in the community from the past until now. Yasinan is a religion-based activity which involves reading the Yasin letter and followed by tahlil as a form of prayer sent to the family of those who have died. Meanwhile, diba'iyah is a community gathering to offer prayers to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. These two activities play an important role in strengthening solidarity between communities and realizing religious moderation in society. The aim of this PKM is to implement the results of spiritual assets through devotion to create something new or a creativity that is continuously beneficial to society which can increase harmony in the process of introducing religious moderation to people who are unfamiliar with knowledge related to the benefits of yasinan or diba'iyah. The research method used by the researcher is the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach by developing the spiritual assets owned by the community, one of which is the routine yasinan and diba'iyah activities in Condong Kidul Village, Gading District, Probolinggo Regency. The stages used in this activity are preparation, implementation and evaluation. Meanwhile, the results obtained from the empowerment of spiritual assets carried out by researchers are that after this activity is carried out and developed by the local community, they can increase their insight in carrying out routine yasinan and diba'iyah activities which are routinely carried out and this activity can be more widespread in various regions. than before.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation INTERNALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION VALUES THROUGH HABITUATION OF CONGREGATIONAL HAJAT PRAYERS AS A FORM OF COMMUNITY HARMONY IN TAROKAN VILLAGE 2024-03-15T10:21:37+07:00 Nadiah Imroatus Sholeha Dewi Fadiyah Zahida I’tisoma Billah <p>The purpose of this community service activity is to (1) Understand the daily activities of the community so as to make them physically and spiritually healthy, (2) Understand the community's behavior patterns towards each other, and to form harmony between residents in various forms of internalizing the values ​​of religious moderation through prayer. congregational purpose twice a week. The approach taken in this PKM is the ABCD approach, with stages of inculturation, blending with the community by participating in activities in the community such as congregational prayers, the second activity is exploring the area, namely from the hills to the lowlands, the third activity is asset mapping in the existing Tarokan village. in 3 hamlets (kabe, sawo, and kramat), the fourth activity is choosing a priority scale, namely the hajat prayer which is held twice every 1 week. The fifth activity is appreciative discovery which is carried out with FGD or interviews with Mr Abdul Kholik as takmir in Baitul Muttaqin Mosque regarding the hajat prayer. The result of this PKM activity is that the community is able to strengthen harmony in accordance with the internalization of the concept of religious moderation, through the congregational Salah Hajat activity which is a form of getting closer to God Almighty and strengthening harmony among local residents so that harmonious and prosperous relationships are established.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation UTILIZATION OF GOAT MANURE TO MAKE LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILIZER (POC) 2024-03-15T10:18:10+07:00 Nuril Fahmi Ulumuddin Rama Maulana <p>The majority of people in Ranugedang village, Tiris sub-district, own goat farms. The problem faced by goat farmers is the difficulty in processing goat manure. The community needs assistance to find the right solution in making efforts to process livestock waste so that it does not pollute the environment and can become a useful business product for the community. This community service aims to foster community awareness of creative living by processing animal waste into products of economic value. The community service method carried out with ABCD optimizes the potential from within and the physical assets of the environment. The potential is agriculture and animal husbandry as a learning environment and environmental physical assets as learning resources. The stages in the ABCD Method are; discovery, dream, design, define, destiny, and reflection. The results of the activity are an increase in the ability of goat farmers as the target of the activity to process goat manure into fertilizer. The conclusion of community empowerment activities through the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer by utilizing animal manure can overcome the problems faced by goat farmers in processing manure that is not limited to producing fertilizer but has economic value.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE INTEGRITY OF PROCEEDING TRADITIONS AS HEIRS OF CULTURE IN LIPRAK KULON VILLAGE IN THE MEANING OF LOCAL WISDOM IN INDONESIA 2024-03-15T10:16:24+07:00 Alya Aghita Ramadhani Malikatul Jannah Nadiroh Nadiroh <p>This research aims to uncover the unique culture of Probolinggo district, specifically Liprak Kulon village, Banyuanyar subdistrict. The procession tradition is one of the traditions resulting from cultural acculturation which is still preserved today by the local community. Arak-arak is a cultural tradition that has existed for a long time and is a routine activity once a year carried out in Liprak Kulon Banyuanyar village. This activity was carried out to commemorate the Isra' Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and Harlah or Haflatul Imtihan TPQ Nurul Iman. As for the target of this event, apart from the students, the local village community also participated in the event. KKN activities are carried out using the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) approach. Through the ABCD approach, the KKN group becomes a facilitator in conveying ideas and developing assets owned by the Liprak Kulon community by uniting residents to achieve common goals. The data sources used were informants from several local village residents including Ustadz Hafidz, S.Ag. as head of the takmir of the Nurul Iman mosque. The data needed is in the form of sentences or expressions that can be used as discussion material in the article and of course in accordance with the problem formulation. This data collection technique was carried out using the listening method and note-taking techniques as a follow-up. Meanwhile, data collection was carried out using classification, namely grouping data taken from interviews with several residents. The conclusion of this research shows that the procession tradition is one of the cultural assets in Liprak Kulon village and has become an annual agenda in the village.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation SHOLAWATAN NUANCED JENANG BECOMES A ROUTINE TRADITION TO INCREASE UKHUWAH ISLAMIYAH IN SUMANBITO HAMLET, PESAWAHAN VILLAGE 2024-03-15T10:35:48+07:00 Yeni Zainatul Milla Abdul Ghofur Shohifa Miftakhul Ulumia <p>Religious moderation is a person's perspective in addressing religion in a moderate manner. This moderate attitude must be possessed by every Muslim, so that in responding to problems and differences in religion can behave wisely without hostility and opposition. In practice, religious moderation can take various forms, but the point still leads to an attitude of tolerance and harmony. The practice of religious moderation can be found in various regions in Indonesia, one of which is in Pesawahan Village, Sumanbito Hamlet. In Pesawahan Village, especially Sumanbito Hamlet, there are several applications in religious moderation that are carried out to increase ukhuwah islamiyah and establish harmony between residents, one of which is Sholawatan with jenang nuances. The tradition of Sholawatan nuanced jenang is a tradition that is routinely carried out every Monday, at 2 pm at the homes of Pesawahan Village residents, especially Sumanbito Hamlet. That is the background for us to extract data about the Sholawatan activity. PKM activities are carried out using the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) approach. Through the ABCD approach, students are facilitators in conveying ideas and developing assets owned by the Pesawahan Village community by uniting residents to convey common goals. The Sholawatan activity is still being carried out today, in order to unite religious people, increase ukhuwah islamiyah without any discrepancies.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation INTERNALIZATION OF THE VALUE OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION BY IMPROVING THE ECONOMIC QUALITY OF THE COMMUNITY THROUGH UMKM MARZUKI FRIED ONIONS IN KARANGBONG VILLAGE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF MAQASHID SHARIA 2024-03-15T10:31:23+07:00 Imatoifatul jannah Aji Masrusdi <p>The purpose of this research is to find out the application of religious moderation values through improving the economic quality of the community around Karangbong village with the establishment of Marzuki fried onion MSMEs. The research method used in this research is qualitative research with a field research approach. approach by conducting interviews with the owner of the fried shallot MSME. and interviews with employees of the UMKM. The results showed that with the existence of the fried onion UMKM, the community felt helped and they could improve their quality of life. The existence of religious moderation values in the form of moderation in the field of muamalah can realize maqashid sharia in Islamic economics, namely the protection of property.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation INTRODUCING KABUJUK CULTURE AS A CULTURAL ASSET AND UTILIZING THE DIGITALIZATION ERA FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL ASSETS IN THE FORM OF TOURISM BRANDING IN JANGKANG VILLAGE. 2024-03-15T13:20:46+07:00 Moh Rizal Kurniawan Muhammad Zubairi Rio Febrian Syah <p>This community service is carried out with the aim of providing understanding and additional insight to the people of Terjang village, Tiris sub-district regarding religious moderation. In Terjang village we see that there is a culture called Kabujuk where the purpose of the Kabujuk culture itself is to respect the people who believe in it. First, they live in the village of Anjangg, where the form of respect is through Islamic practices such as reading verses from the Koran and tahlil. On the other hand, we find assets that have great potential in the tourism base, the importance of increasing tourism promotion in Anjangg village through creative digital content to increase sales and income from the assets they manage. The priority problem encountered is a lack of understanding about how to promote using digital content and rarely promoting using online media, this has an impact on their income. The implementation method in this research is Community Based Research, namely explanations from resource persons to tourism managers. The method used in this activity is a meeting or face-to-face meeting between the resource person and the tourism manager of the Curga Bidadari Ancient Waterfall, where the resource person plays an important role in explaining various materials on how to increase tourism promotion through creativity. digital content so that their products can be introduced to the wider community. The product resulting from this community service is that traders have accounts on social media and use them as promotional tools by creating various creative digital content.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Religious Moderation1; Kabujuk1;Tourist3.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT CURRICULUM BASED WISDOM LOCAL IN INCREASING UNDERSTANDING OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION LEARNERS (Case Study at Sumberbendo 1 State Elementary School Pucanglaban) 2024-04-23T11:56:36+07:00 Tri Prasetiyo Utomo <p>Development curriculum become an inevitability. Dynamics social in society continues experience change. Circumstances This trigger educator (teacher) for always presenting design nature curriculum&nbsp; <em>update </em>or up to date. Study This aim know creativity educator in develop curriculum based deep local wisdom strengthen understand moderation religious. Research methods use type qualitative with field research approach (research field). Data analysis using Miles and Huberman, namely data collection, data <em>display, data </em>reduction, and conclusions.Findings study management strategic development curriculum-based wisdom local in increase understand moderation religious held with; analysis potency wisdom local, implementation learning <em>contextual teaching and learning </em>(CTL), and assessment covers three aspects, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.</p> 2024-04-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation PARADIGMA AGAMA DAN LITERASI DALAM MODERASI BERAGAMA MASYARAKAT DAWUHAN KREJENGAN PROBOLINGGO 2024-03-15T13:23:10+07:00 Jeliatut Diani Hikmatul Maghfiroh <p>This research aims to examine the religious paradigm and literacy of the Dawuhan Krejengan Probolinggo community from the perspective of religious moderation. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The qualitative method is research where the data is in the form of descriptions in the form of words. The data sources in this research are the attitudes or views of literacy and religion of the people of Dawuhan Krejengan Probolinggo in religious moderation as well as secondary data sources, namely obtained from articles and books. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that the views of the people of Dawuhan Krejengan Probolinggo towards religion and literacy in religious moderation are very good in a harmonious religious life with beliefs, morals, character and character that prioritizes balance in the midst of social life.</p> 2024-05-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation LEARNING EFFECTIVENESS: THE USE OF TEACHING AT THE RIGHT LEVEL (TARL) APPROACH IN GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATION MATERIAL 2024-04-28T16:07:21+07:00 Nila Dwi Romah Donni Novitasari Novitasari Rahma Febriyanti <p>The existence of differences in students' learning abilities or readiness to understand certain material, especially in mathematics subjects, causes gaps in understanding between students in one class. One alternative solution that can optimize teaching flexibility with different student abilities is to use the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach. TaRL is a learning approach that refers to the level of student achievement or ability. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effectiveness of the TaRL approach on the learning outcomes of class XI MAN 1 Lamongan students on geometric transformation material. This type of research is quantitative research with a quasi experimental design. The sample in this study was class XI MIPA 4 with 35 students as the experimental class and class XI MIPA 5 with 35 students as the control class. The research instruments used were pretest and posttest sheets in essay form. Meanwhile, the data collection technique in this research uses tests. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive and inferential analysis. The research results show that the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach is effective in improving the learning outcomes of class XI students at MAN 1 Lamongan. This can be seen from the results of the hypothesis test which has Asymp. Sig. (2 − tailed) of 0.000 &lt; 0.05.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE FILM ASSALAMUALAIKUM BEIJING BY GUNTUR SOEHARJANTO 2024-03-02T19:57:49+07:00 Abdullah Fathullah <p>Zakat is giving part of the assets that have reached the nisab, without any obstacles that are not given to them according to Sharia. But the problem is that after that it is collected and will be given to those who are entitled to the 8 asnaf (QS.:9:60) including the criteria for certain people who are not directly mentioned in the verse above. This can be seen when the assets are given to school dropouts who want to continue for economic reasons that do not support them, so everything fails halfway (does not materialize). The form of the problem above is what are the views of the Shafi'i and Hanafi madhhabs regarding the use of zakat for scholarships and where are the points of similarity and difference in the opinions of the two madhhabs. This research uses the Library Research approach (library research). After the data is collected, data analysis continues, by examining the data (editing), marking the data (systematizing) and systematic data (systematizing). The type of research used in this research is a comparative study. From the discussion above, it can be concluded that the use of zakat assets for scholarships (education costs) is permissible according to the Shafi'i school of thought and the Hanafi school of thought, as an extension of the meaning of Sabilillah or Ibn Sabil, the similarity of opinion lies in the permissibility of zakat assets for education costs for those in need. The clear difference is shown by the interpretation of the meaning of sabilillah and lilfuqara', where the Shafi'i madzhab gives a broad meaning, and the use of zakat assets for education costs is only for those who have achievements, but the Hanafi madzhab limits ownership (which is attached to a person). ) about his condition of lacking or needing assets.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation ONLINE PACKAGING AND MARKETING ASSISTANCE FOR TRADITIONAL HERBAL MEDICINE COMMUNITY PRODUCTS SUMBERWATU HAMLET 2024-03-20T09:16:33+07:00 Barokatul Hasaniyah Siti Ana Lika Ummi Mauliatul Ula <p>Jamu is a traditional medicine made from natural cultural heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation for health. One of the home industries that currently still produces traditional herbal medicine is Jamu Mbak Intan, which has been established since the 1990s. Ibu Suhai's herbal medicine is still produced traditionally and the packaging is still simple. The purpose of this service activity is to help Mrs. Intan as a business owner in increasing production both in quality and quantity. The methods used in this mentoring activity are qualitative methods, surveys, education and discussion as well as mentoring in achieving these goals. The result of this activity is that Mrs. Suhai's herbal medicine can have an NIB and logoand social media accounts.</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation PRESERVATION OF TRADITIONAL GAMES IN LEARNING ACTIVITIES AT AL-HIDAYAH SOURCE SECANG KINDERGARTEN 2024-03-15T12:54:29+07:00 Ainaya Fadilah Alisyia Alfir Rahmah Arinda Faradella Novianti <p>Indonesia is a country rich traditional art and culture and games. Cultural arts and traditional games are so diverse but many are endangered because there is nothing to preserve it. The longer, the Indonesian nation many know the game only through the written documentation. This is exacerbated by the current digital game technology that began to mushroom, and the change of social system in a more individualistic society. Thus it takes effort to keep preserve traditional games through the Early Childhood Education (ECD). ECD is an institution that supports the social system of friends to play traditional games. Curriculum development by adding themes Local Wisdom can be performed on all early childhood institutions in Indonesia so that our country is not experiencing a crisis of extinction of traditional games. This traditional game outlines the impact that occurs on children when playing. They can understand the plot and follow the rules of the game, so that children can be patient in waiting for their turn with other friends, and the interaction between groups goes well. With this, we use The ABCD approach is used as an effort to improve the quality of human life with a development pattern that places humans as the main actors, which has been implemented in Indonesia. Considering that this pattern is still a pilot, the support of various parties is really needed, moreover, universities as one of the educational institutions have a very strategic role in participating in this effort. ABCD is an effort that ensures that development activities are in a position where humans can develop their capacities in accordance with all the potential and assets they have. More than that, universities can play a role in realizing the formation of Indonesian people who are caring and active as citizens. ABCD is used as an approach to community service because the orientation of community service at PTKI is an effort to increase community capacity so that they have the power to recognize and utilize all the strengths and assets they have for the common good. Asset-based community development (ABCD) is considered the right approach to this problem.</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation PRESERVING COMMUNITY TRADITIONS THROUGH PLANTING DLINGU LEAVES IN SUMBERSECANG VILLAGE 2024-03-15T13:19:37+07:00 Hila Lisa Riskiawati Navilatur Rahmi Qudratillah Qurrotul Aini ainiequrrotul457@gmail.comind <p>Based on this research article, the aim is to find out customs, traditions or culture through<br />Dlingu leaves. The problem formulation in this research is how to preserve community<br />traditions through planting dlingu leaves in Sumbersecang Village. Based on this research<br />using a qualitative method, a qualitative method means having analysis results that do not<br />depend on numbers but the data obtained is based on the results of analysis of various views.<br />This research was carried out in Sumbersecang Village, Gading subdistrict. Then, the<br />approach used in this article is an asset-based approach. The research object is citizens who<br />know the research information as actors who understand the research object. Then the<br />research subjects are residents who are involved indirectly through community service<br />programs that focus on that program. Based on the research data we obtained in<br />Sumbersecang Village, Gading District, there is a preservation of the Dlingu leaf tradition.<br />Dlingu leaves can be believed to be a baby soother (sawan). The process in this research is,<br />firstly interviews with residents of Sumbersecang village, Beberan hamlet, taking soil, mixing<br />the soil with husks and organic fertilizer, taking Dlingu leaves, the process of placing the soil<br />and Dlingu leaves in polybags and finally giving or distributing Dlingu leaves to residents.<br />The impact of changes from this research is that initially in Sumbersecang Village there were<br />very few Dlingu leaf plants, now there are quite a lot of these plants. Residents are no longer<br />confused about getting these leaves as a baby sedative (sawan).</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation INCULTURATION OF CUSTOM, CULTURE, AND RELIGION IN THE KANDHEBEH TRADITION 2024-03-15T12:53:20+07:00 Jeliatut Diani Firdausia Wardaniatul Fina Nur Laili <p>This research aims to examine inculturation, customs, culture, and religion in the kandhebeh tradition. This research uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The qualitative method is research whose data is in the form of descriptions in the form of words. The data sources in this research are transcripts of interview recordings with sources and secondary data sources, which are obtained from articles and books. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that in Kertosuko village there is a unique tradition, namely "Kandhebeh" which has existed since the time of the ancestors. This tradition is believed and carried out because Kertosuko villagers believe that if they do this Kandhebeh tradition, it can reject disaster.</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation SIGNIFICATION AND CULTURE BEHIND THE JENANG SENGKOLO TRADITION AT THE CROSSROADS 2024-03-15T13:22:15+07:00 Vita Firdausiyah Siti Halimatus Sa'diyah Rumiati <p>This research investigates the tradition of using jenang sengkolo in Laok Cora Hamlet, Probolinggo, with a focus on its sustainability and significance in the local cultural context. Through interview methods with local participants, this research explores this traditional practice in various contexts of local community life. The main objective is to understand the significance of jenang Sengkolo placement, why it is an important part of the tradition, and how it affects daily life and social interactions in the neighborhood. The research results show that the jenang sengkolo tradition is still strongly maintained by the community and remains relevant in life ceremonies, such as rice harvest, weddings and other celebrations. The analysis also reveals the symbolic meaning in the use of jenang sengkolo colors, which reflect the values and beliefs held by the community. Furthermore, the use of natural ingredients in making jenang indicates concern for the authenticity and sustainability of this tradition, adding depth to the understanding of the culture and spirituality of the local community.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE CULTURE OF REACHING PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN BY HEALTH MANS IN THE CONTEXT OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN LIPRAK WETAN VILLAGE 2024-03-15T13:18:54+07:00 Komariah Banowati Dewy Malikal Balgis Eka Rahayu <p><em>As part of traditional culture in Indonesian society, recitation has played an important role in supporting the welfare of women, especially pregnant women. The aim of this research is to investigate and document the cultural practices of recitation related to the health of pregnant women and their impact on the physical, mental and spiritual health of mothers and their unborn babies. Qualitative research methods were used, by conducting in-depth interviews with pregnant women, midwives, religious leaders and community leaders involved in the recitation. The methods we use are observation, documentation and interviews. Findings show that recitation not only provides a platform to share knowledge about pregnancy and childbirth, but also serves as a space for pregnant women to receive emotional, social, and spiritual support from their community. The recitation culture provides an opportunity for pregnant women to feel valued, heard, and connected to the traditional values that give meaning to their role as mothers. The implication of this research is the need for further recognition of the role of culture in promoting the health of pregnant women, as well as better integration between cultural practices and modern health services to improve holistic care for pregnant women, especially in Liprak Wetan village. By embracing moderate-based teachings, society can develop a holistic understanding of religion and culture, avoiding narrow and extreme views. A teaching culture that combines local and global elements creates space to spread moderate values in relevant contexts. Active involvement in the teaching culture in Liprak Wetan village can foster attitudes of mutual respect, respect and cooperation between individuals from various religious and cultural backgrounds.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords : culture, spirituality, moderation, pregnant women </em></p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation REINFORCEMENTS RELIGIOUS MODERATION AT GADING WETAN VILLAGE COMMUNITY THROUGH THE REVITALIZATION OF ROTIBUL HADDAD BOOK 2024-03-15T12:49:55+07:00 Iis Winda Wati Dhoifatul Hasanah Siti Rohma Deni <p>This KKN-PKM was carried out in Gading Wetan village, Gading subdistrict with the aim of providing education to the community about understanding religious moderation. The method and assistance used in KKN-PKM is ABCD (asset based community development). Religious moderation is a process of strengthening justification and belief in the religion one adheres to, accompanied by providing space for other people or other religions to embrace their respective religions. This can be achieved through inculturation with local residents and participation in all religious activities in the village, as well as through several stages, namely discovery, design, definition and reflection. The activities we participate in include rotiban, sarwah at mosques and in residents' homes, Isro' mi' roj, reading of the Prophet's prayers at residents' homes, yasinan ba'da Friday prayers, and other activities. KKN-PKM in group 25, we focus more on the Rotibul Haddad routine which is carried out regularly every Saturday night by the students, guardians of TPQ students at the Jawahirul Ma'ani mosque, where in this routine there are deficiencies that require strengthening and strengthening. One of the revitalizations is the rotiban guidebook, the shortcomings of which lie in the writing and cover of the book being inadequate, not suitable for use and the lack of enthusiasm from the community, not the guardians of TPQ students, to participate. this activity. Based on these problems, we revitalized Haddad's rotibul manual by improving and updating it. write along with the cover, to make it better and more attractive, as well as holding an Isro mi'roj event with a torch parade and dorprize to attract people's attention so that many people attend the event with the aim of introducing the routine of reciting the rotibul haddad to the community so that those who participate are not only TPQ students and guardians but also from other communities.</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation THE MYTH OF THE PROHIBITION OF CUTTING TREES IN CEMETERIES ON NATURE CONSERVATION 2024-03-15T13:21:29+07:00 Luluk Irawati Firda Hariroh Hanifah <p>This research explores the prohibition of cutting trees in cemeteries and its impact on nature conservation in Betek Village, Dungbango Hamlet. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, data was obtained through unstructured interviews and observation. The problem encountered was a lack of understanding of the relationship between traditional prohibitions and nature conservation practices. The aim was to explore the community's beliefs and experiences and analyze the implications of these practices for nature conservation. The results showed that the ban is based on local beliefs, reinforced by tragic incidents resulting from violations. Site surveys revealed high fertility rates at the cemetery, reflecting successful adherence to the ban despite sacrificing economic potential. The community's broad understanding of the ban confirms local wisdom as an important foundation for sustainable conservation practices.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation STUDY OF SYMBOLIC MEANING OF BERAGAMA MODERATION BEHIND THE SONGKOK OF THE RED IMAMAH OF SANTRI 2024-03-15T13:16:09+07:00 Alfina Muniffatuz Zahra' Rahmawati Ningsih <p>Nogosaren Village has a rich culture and religious traditions. In the midst of this social and cultural order, the use of the red imamah songkok by students at the Jami' Nurul Hasan Mosque stands out as a distinctive symbol of religious moderation. However, there has been no in-depth study of the symbolic meaning behind this practice. Therefore, this research aims to explore the symbolic meaning contained in the use of the red imamah songkok by students at the Jami' Nurul Hasan Mosque, Nogosaren Village. Through a qualitative approach with case studies, data was collected through participant observation, interviews, and content analysis of related information. The research results show that the use of red songkok imamah is not just traditional clothing, but is also a deep expression of religious identity, spiritual values, religious moderation and a strong appreciation of religion in the daily lives of students. The symbolic meaning of the red songkok imamah illustrates the depth of the meaning of religion in culture and religious practices in the village, as well as strengthening social ties and solidarity among the santri community. The implications of this research enrich understanding of the role of religious symbols in building local religious identities and communities.</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation JENANG CULTURAL TRADITION USES THE ABCD (ASSET BASED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) METHOD TO BECOME A REACHING ROUTINE IN THE VILLAGE OF PESAWAHAN 2024-03-15T13:14:28+07:00 Renda Yastin Nadia Ikfina Nurlaili Dliyaur Rahmah Mahmud <p><strong><em>Abstrack</em></strong></p> <p><em>This mentoring explores the transformation of the cultural tradition of 'jenang' into a religious routine study through the application of the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) method. The focus is to understand how the ABCD approach can strengthen and sustain cultural traditions in the context of religious studies within the community. The ABCD method is employed to identify the assets inherent in the 'jenang' culture and encourage active community participation in preserving and developing this tradition.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>In these religious routine studies, not only are religious activities conducted, but there is also a collective savings and credit association ('arisan'), where the pooled funds are allocated to the homeowner. However, these religious studies currently lack fund management (kas), making them suitable for the implementation of fund management. The results of the mentoring indicate that with the ABCD approach, the community in</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Pesawahan</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>village can tap into the potential and local assets to strengthen and preserve the cultural tradition of 'jenang,' integrating it into religious routine study activities. The utilization of funds within these religious routine studies aims to fulfill the needs of the members, such as creating special uniforms. The PKM method used is the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach, focusing on developing local assets or culture owned by the community, such as the religious study that involves fund management (kas). The stages used in this activity are preparation, implementation, and evaluation. This demonstrates that the application of the ABCD method can be an effective approach in building the sustainability of local cultural traditions in rural communities.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords:</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Culture,</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>religious</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>study, 'jenang,'</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>fund.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstrak </strong></p> <p>Pendampingan ini mengeksplorasi transformasi tradisi budaya jenang menjadi rutinitas pengajian melalui penerapan metode Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). Fokusnya adalah memahami bagaimana pendekatan ABCD dapat memperkuat dan mempertahankan tradisi budaya dalam konteks pengajian di masyarakat. Metode ABCD digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi aset-aset yang terdapat dalam budaya jenang dan mendorong partisipasi aktif masyarakat dalam memelihara dan mengembangkan tradisi tersebut. Dalam pengajian rutinan ini tidak hanya diisi dengan kegiatan keagamaan saja, tetapi juga ada arisan, yang mana uang arisan tersebut untuk pemilik rumah yang ditempati,tetapi dalam pengajian ini tidak memiliki yang adanya pengelolaan pendanaan (kas) sehingga pengajian ini sangat cocok untuk diadakan pengelolaan pendanaan (kas). Hasil pendampingan menunjukkan bahwa dengan pendekatan ABCD, masyarakat desa Pesawahan mampu menggali potensi dan aset-aset lokal yang dimiliki untuk memperkuat dan melestarikan tradisi budaya jenang, serta mengintegrasikannya ke dalam kegiatan pengajian secara rutin, pemanfaatan kas didalam pengajian rutinan tersebut bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para anggota, salah satu contohnya membuat seragam khusus, metode PKM yang di gunakan adalah pendekatan aset based community development (ABCD) dengan mengembangkan aset atau budaya lokal yang di miliki masyarakat, salah satunya yaitu pengajian yang ada pengelolaan pendanaan (kas)Tahapan yang di gunakan dalam kegiatan ini ialah persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa penerapan metode ABCD dapat menjadi pendekatan yang efektif dalam membangun keberlanjutan tradisi budaya lokal di masyarakat pedesaan.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>Budaya, pengajian, jenang, kas</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation MENTORING AND EDUCATION ON THE PREVENTION OF EARLY MARRIAGE FOR STUDENTS IN AN EFFORT ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT, RANUAGUNG VILLAGE, TIRIS DISTRICT, PROBOLINGGO REGENCY TO STRENGTHEN MARRIAGE TRADITIONS IN DARUL ISTIQOMAH 2024-03-15T12:46:40+07:00 Badrus Sholeh sahril Irvan Maulana Biyadikal Khoir <p>Early marriage is a social problem that still frequently occurs in Islamic boarding schools, including the Darul Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School in Ranuagung Village, Tiris District, Probolinggo Regency. The aim of this PKM is to investigate the effectiveness of assistance and education in preventing early marriage among female students, as well as to strengthen healthy and sustainable marriage traditions. This PKM method uses the ABCD <em>(Asset Based Community Development) </em>approach . The ABCD approach method is used to identify the potential and resources that exist within the Islamic boarding school community to strengthen healthy marriage traditions and in accordance with local religious and cultural values. The PKM results show that the mentoring and education program is able to increase female students' knowledge and awareness about the risks of early marriage, as well as improve their skills in making better decisions regarding marriage. Apart from that, this program has also succeeded in strengthening healthy marriage traditions and empowering female students to play an active role in preventing early marriage in the Islamic boarding school environment. The conclusion from this PKM is that assistance and education are effective strategies in preventing early marriage among female students. By strengthening their knowledge, skills and awareness, Islamic boarding schools can play a more active role in protecting women's rights and promoting healthy and sustainable marriages in society</p> 2024-05-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation MENTORING STUDENTS IN FOSTERING TOLERANCE AND ACCEPTING DIFFERENCES THROUGH BAHTSUL MASAIL AND MUNADHOROH ACTIVITIES AT THE DWK ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL. 2024-03-02T20:22:35+07:00 Muhammad Ridho Abd. Hannan <p>This article discusses marriage guardians in the review of Imam Syafii and Imam Hanafi. As is known, marriage guardians are part of the marriage issue whose existence is still disputed. In a marriage, the concept of guardianship is an inseparable part because this is one of the legal requirements for Islamic marriage that must be fulfilled. Married women have to use guardians? The majority of scholars require it, but for Imam Abu Hanifah the status of marriage guardian in a marriage contract is sunnah, it is not a fardlu that can cancel a marriage, it's just that the guardian has the right to approve the marriage or not. And women can be guardians in a marriage contract, apart from that, women who are adult kamal al-ahliyyah can marry themselves or become their representatives. This paper is included in the type of library research, which is descriptive–analytical in nature. The data collection technique is to search for and collect books and journals or blogs, especially those related to the study of this problem, then use the Ushul Fiqh and Qaidah Fiqhiyyah approaches. Based on the results of the analysis carried out by the authors, the results are as follows. According to Imam Syafi'i, the presence of a guardian is one of the pillars of marriage, which means that without the presence of a guardian when carrying out the marriage contract the marriage is invalid. Imam Hanafi is of the opinion that if a woman enters into a marriage contract without a guardian, while her future husband is equal (kufu'), then marriage is permissible. Marries himself and his immature (small) daughter and can also represent someone else. But if the woman wants to marry a man who is not kufu', then the guardian can prevent her. According to the Hanafiyah group, the presence of a guardian in a marriage is Sunnah.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation INTRINSIC ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN REAL WORK LECTURE ACTIVITIES AT ZAINUL HASAN ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY GENGGONG 2024-05-07T08:37:19+07:00 Clarisya Amalia Sholehah Muhammad Hifdil Islam Loviga Denny Pratama <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penelitian ini menyajikan tinjauan pustaka secara mendalam mengenai penerapan moderasi beragama dalam konteks Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) UNZAH Genggong 2024. Berfokus pada analisis intrinsik, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana nilai-nilai moderasi beragama tercermin dalam interaksi mahasiswa dengan komunitas lokal selama KKN, serta dampaknya terhadap perkembangan sosial dan keberagaman di tingkat lokal. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian mengintegrasikan temuan dari berbagai sumber relevan, pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada mahasiswa peserta program KKN di beberapa daerah untuk memberikan pemahaman topik yang lebih menyeluruh. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program KKN 2024 di UNZAH Genggong merupakan wadah yang efektif untuk mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama di masyarakat. Mahasiswa tidak hanya terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat, namun juga dapat menjadi agen perubahan positif, dan juga menjadi duta moderasi beragama yang dapat memperkuat keharmonisan sosial di masyarakat</span></span></em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> .</span></span></p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual International Conference On Religious Moderation