Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education 2024-06-27T15:14:54+07:00 Nur Mauliska Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Education (ANCED)</strong> is an internationally renowned conference organized by the Faculty of Tadris Umum Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong. ANCED provides a prominent platform for scholars and researchers to present their work, exchange ideas, and advance research in the field of education. The conference plays a pivotal role in fostering intellectual discourse, exploring new educational paradigms, and contributing to the advancement of educational</p> THE BASIS OF SOCIAL HARMONY IN A PLURAL SOCIETY, LIPRAKWETAN VILLAGE, BANYUANYAR DISTRICT, PROBOLINGGO DISTRICT 2024-06-27T15:14:54+07:00 Eka Rahayu Astri Rakhmawati <p>Harmonization of a plural society in the context of religious moderation is an effort to achieve harmony and balance between the diversity of religions, beliefs and religious practices in a heterogeneous society. Religious moderation refers to an approach that respects diversity of beliefs and spiritual values while promoting tolerance, respect, and cooperation between religious groups. This paper aims to analyze the role of religion and belief systems in strengthening or threatening social harmony in the LiprakWetan community. The research method is qualitative with descriptive research type. The subjects in this research were residents of Kokon hamlet, LiprakWetan Village. Data collection methods use interviews, observation and documentation to complete the data. The research results showed that the LiprakWetan community could build mutually respectful cooperation and strengthen relations between religious groups. Communities can create inclusive and empowering environments, strengthening the foundations for peace and shared progress.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education UNDERSTANDING RELIGIOUS MODERATION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON FAMILY RECILIENCE 2024-06-27T15:12:12+07:00 Ramdan Wagianto Luqman Haqiqi Amirulloh <p>This article discusses the understanding of religious moderation in the community in Gading Kulon Village, Banyuanyar District, Probolinggo Regency. The view of religious moderation is a moderate religious view or a fair and balanced attitude. It is very important for husband and wife to behave and think moderately in their family to avoid things that could damage the honor and dignity of their family. Gading society is a multicultural society that has a good understanding of moderation. This research is qualitative research with mubjadi as the approach. Data collection was carried out using observation and interview methods. The findings in this research are that Family resilience is a tool to measure how well a family carries out its roles, functions and responsibilities to maintain the welfare of its family members. Understanding religious moderation, as a function in the family, is a moderate perspective (thinking) applied in the family environment, which can at least have an influence on family resilience. Mubilah-based religious moderation can be implemented with several principles, such as the principle of mutual respect and tolerance for differences that occur, the principle of sharing roles, and the principle of syawir (deliberation) in the family.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education PENDAMPINGAN SANTRI DALAM MENUMBUHKAN SIKAP TOLERANSI DAN MENERIMA PERBEDAAN MELALUI KEGIATAN BAHTSUL MASAIL DAN MUNADHOROH DI PONDOK PESANTREN DWK 2024-06-27T15:09:57+07:00 Muhammad Ridho Abd. Hannan <p>This article discusses marriage guardians in the review of Imam Syafii and Imam Hanafi. As is known, marriage guardians are part of the marriage issue whose existence is still disputed. In a marriage, the concept of guardianship is an inseparable part because this is one of the legal requirements for Islamic marriage that must be fulfilled. Married women have to use guardians? The majority of scholars require it, but for Imam Abu Hanifah the status of marriage guardian in a marriage contract is sunnah, it is not a fardlu that can cancel a marriage, it's just that the guardian has the right to approve the marriage or not. And women can be guardians in a marriage contract, apart from that, women who are adult kamal al-ahliyyah can marry themselves or become their representatives. This paper is included in the type of library research, which is descriptive–analytical in nature. The data collection technique is to search for and collect books and journals or blogs, especially those related to the study of this problem, then use the Ushul Fiqh and Qaidah Fiqhiyyah approaches. Based on the results of the analysis carried out by the authors, the results are as follows. According to Imam Syafi'i, the presence of a guardian is one of the pillars of marriage, which means that without the presence of a guardian when carrying out the marriage contract the marriage is invalid. Imam Hanafi is of the opinion that if a woman enters into a marriage contract without a guardian, while her future husband is equal (kufu'), then marriage is permissible. Marries himself and his immature (small) daughter and can also represent someone else. But if the woman wants to marry a man who is not kufu', then the guardian can prevent her. According to the Hanafiyah group, the presence of a guardian in a marriage is Sunnah.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education SIGNIFICATION AND CULTURE BEHIND THE JENANGSENGKOLO TRADITION AT THE CROSSROADS 2024-06-27T15:06:44+07:00 Vita Firdausiyah Siti Halimatus Sa'diyah Rumiati <p>This research investigates the tradition of using jenangsengkolo in Laok Cora Hamlet, Probolinggo, with a focus on its sustainability and significance in the local cultural context.&nbsp; Through interview methods with local participants, this research explores this traditional practice in various contexts of local community life. The main objective is to understand the significance of jenang Sengkolo placement, why it is an important part of the tradition, and how it affects daily life and social interactions in the neighborhood. The research results show that the jenangsengkolo tradition is still strongly maintained by the community and remains relevant in life ceremonies, such as rice harvest, weddings and other celebrations.&nbsp; The analysis also reveals the symbolic meaning in the use of jenangsengkolocolors, which reflect the values ​​and beliefs held by the community.&nbsp; Furthermore, the use of natural ingredients in making jenang indicates concern for the authenticity and sustainability of this tradition, adding depth to the understanding of the culture and spirituality of the local community.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education REINFORCEMENTS RELIGIOUS MODERATION AT GADING WETAN VILLAGE COMMUNITY THROUGH THE REVITALIZATION OF ROTIBUL HADDAD BOOK 2024-06-27T13:57:33+07:00 Iis Winda Wati Dhoifatul Hasanah Siti Rohma Deni <p>This KKN-PKM was carried out in Gading Wetan village, Gading subdistrict with the aim of providing education to the community about understanding religious moderation. The method and assistance used in KKN-PKM is ABCD (asset based community development). Religious moderation is a process of strengthening justification and belief in the religion one adheres to, accompanied by providing space for other people or other religions to embrace their respective religions. This can be achieved through inculturation with local residents and participation in all religious activities in the village, as well as through several stages, namely discovery, design, definition and reflection. The activities we participate in include rotiban, sarwah at mosques and in residents' homes, Isro' mi' roj, reading of the Prophet's prayers at residents' homes, yasinan ba'da Friday prayers, and other activities. KKN-PKM in group 25, we focus more on the Rotibul Haddad routine which is carried out regularly every Saturday night by the students, guardians of TPQ students at the Jawahirul Ma'ani mosque, where in this routine there are deficiencies that require strengthening and strengthening. One of the revitalizations is the rotiban guidebook, the shortcomings of which lie in the writing and cover of the book being inadequate, not suitable for use and the lack of enthusiasm from the community, not the guardians of TPQ students, to participate. this activity. Based on these problems, we revitalized Haddad's rotibul manual by improving and updating it. write along with the cover, to make it better and more attractive, as well as holding an Isro mi'roj event with a torch parade and dorprize to attract people's attention so that many people attend the event with the aim of introducing the routine of reciting the rotibul haddad to the community so that those who participate are not only TPQ students and guardians but also from other communities.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education THE REALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION THROUGH THE ROLE OF RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTORS IN INCREASING ZAKAT AND WAQF LITERACY IN THE PEOPLE OF PROBOLINGGO CITY 2024-06-27T13:51:44+07:00 Zahida I’tisoma Billah Citra Mulyasari <p>The Ministry of Religious Affairs as one of the pioneers of religious moderation, from nine keywords of religious moderation there are several points that must be emphasized, namely humanity, the benefit of the people, fairness and balance, so through this study, researchers want to analyze the contribution of religious instructors in increasing zakat and waqf literacy and identifying supporting and inhibiting factors. Through a qualitative approach with a case study, the results show that religious instructors in Probolinggo City actively conduct community counseling and education activities, including establishing close cooperation with educational institutions. The strengthening of this cooperation is mainly done by organizing activities in schools and educational institutions, integrating zakat and waqf literacy materials into the curriculum, and providing training to religious instructors. In addition, religious instructors also utilize social media and information technology to reach a wider audience. Literacy campaigns through online platforms, digital content creation, and mobile application development are part of the effective strategies in building public awareness on zakat and waqf practices. Although the role of religious instructors has made a positive contribution, several obstacles such as limited resources and myths that are still inherent are inhibiting factors. The strategy of strengthening cooperation with educational institutions and utilizing social media and information technology opens opportunities to overcome these obstacles. This study concludes that the role of religious instructors in Probolinggo City plays an important role in improving zakat and waqf literacy. By understanding the supporting and inhibiting factors, further strategies can be identified to strengthen the contribution of religious instructors in shaping people's understanding and practices related to zakat and waqf. With the active role of religious instructors in Probolinggo City, it is hoped that the Muslim community will truly realize their obligation to pay zakat in order to transfer wealth from muzakki to mustahik, so that mustahik can fulfill their needs to achieve prosperity.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education IMPLEMENTATION OF MUDHARABAH AGREMEENT FOR SHALLOT FARMING IN ISLAMIC MODERATION PERSPECTIVE 2024-06-27T13:48:56+07:00 Waqi’atul Aqidah <p>This study aims to analyze the application of the mudharabah contract of onion farming in the perspective of Islamic moderation. This study was conducted in Pajarakan District, Probolinggo Regency. Informants of this study are farmers and owners of capital and land. This research method is a qualitative method of phenomenological approach. Data analysis is done by data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results found that; 1) the position of mudharib in the employment relationship is prone to be exploited; 2) profit sharing has not been proportional to the contribution of Labor and time mudharib; 3) the distribution of risk has not been explained clearly and fully in the agreement. With the perspective of Islamic moderation, mudharabah should be; 1) there is a clear and fair distribution of rights and obligations between parties; 2) there is a proportional and known distribution of benefits and risks; 3) there is a commitment to wise Conflict Resolution; 4) business cooperation relationships are based on the benefit of the Ummah</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education IMPLEMENTATION OF ENGLISH WITH THE DIRECT METHOD TO INCREASE MOTIVATION TO LEARN AND PREACH ISLAM AT NURUS SALAFIYAH ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL 2024-06-27T13:44:10+07:00 Zainuddin <p>Motivation plays a vital role in education, with motivation students will be diligent, diligent, enthusiastic about learning, and become quality people. However, at Nurus Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School, there are still students who are lazy and lack enthusiasm for studying Islam. This research aims to describe how important it is to use the direct method to increase students' Islamic learning motivation at Nurus Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this research illustrate that the application of the direct method has a significant positive impact on increasing the student's learning motivation. In this research, the students showed increased enthusiasm, perseverance, and passion for studying Islam. This direct method seems to have awakened their interest in religious learning and encouraged them to be more dedicated to pursuing an understanding of the Islamic religion. These findings provide an important contribution in the context of religious education and the development of effective teaching methods</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education ONLINE PACKAGING AND MARKETING ASSISTANCE FOR TRADITIONAL HERBAL MEDICINE COMMUNITY PRODUCTS SUMBERWATU HAMLET 2024-06-27T13:41:43+07:00 Barokatul Hasaniyah Siti Ana Lika Ummi Mauliatul Ula <p>Jamu is a traditional medicine made from natural cultural heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation for health. One of the home industries that currently still produces traditional herbal medicine is Jamu Mbak Intan, which has been established since the 1990s. Ibu Suhai's herbal medicine is still produced traditionally and the packaging is still simple. The purpose of this service activity is to help Mrs. Intan as a business owner in increasing production both in quality and quantity. The methods used in this mentoring activity are qualitative methods, surveys, education and discussion as well as mentoring in achieving these goals. The result of this activity is that Mrs. Suhai's herbal medicine can have an NIB and logoand social media accounts.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education INTRINSIC ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN REAL WORK LECTURE ACTIVITIES AT ZAINUL HASAN ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY GENGGONG 2024-06-27T13:38:51+07:00 Clarisya Amalia Sholehah Muhammad Hifdil Islam Loviga Denny Pratama <p><em>This research presents an in-depth literature review on the application of religious moderation in the context of the UNZAH Genggong 2024 Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN). Focusing on intrinsic analysis, this study aims to explore how the values of religious moderation are reflected in students' interactions with local communities during KKN, as well as their impact on social development and diversity at the local level. Through a qualitative approach, the study integrates findings from various relevant sources, collecting data through documentation and in-depth interviews with students who participated in KKN programmes in several regions to provide a more thorough understanding of the topic. The findings of this study show that the KKN 2024 programme at UNZAH Genggong is an effective platform to implement the values of religious moderation in the community. Not only are students actively involved in community development activities, they can become agents of positive change, and also become ambassadors of religious moderation who can strengthen social harmony in society</em>.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of Annual Conference on Education