Tradition, Dlingo Leaves , Religios ModerationAbstract
Based on this research article, the aim is to find out customs, traditions or culture through
Dlingu leaves. The problem formulation in this research is how to preserve community
traditions through planting dlingu leaves in Sumbersecang Village. Based on this research
using a qualitative method, a qualitative method means having analysis results that do not
depend on numbers but the data obtained is based on the results of analysis of various views.
This research was carried out in Sumbersecang Village, Gading subdistrict. Then, the
approach used in this article is an asset-based approach. The research object is citizens who
know the research information as actors who understand the research object. Then the
research subjects are residents who are involved indirectly through community service
programs that focus on that program. Based on the research data we obtained in
Sumbersecang Village, Gading District, there is a preservation of the Dlingu leaf tradition.
Dlingu leaves can be believed to be a baby soother (sawan). The process in this research is,
firstly interviews with residents of Sumbersecang village, Beberan hamlet, taking soil, mixing
the soil with husks and organic fertilizer, taking Dlingu leaves, the process of placing the soil
and Dlingu leaves in polybags and finally giving or distributing Dlingu leaves to residents.
The impact of changes from this research is that initially in Sumbersecang Village there were
very few Dlingu leaf plants, now there are quite a lot of these plants. Residents are no longer
confused about getting these leaves as a baby sedative (sawan).