
  • Ainaya Fadilah Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong
  • Alisyia Alfir Rahmah Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong
  • Arinda Faradella Novianti Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong


Traditional Games, Early Childhood.


Indonesia is a country rich traditional art and culture and games. Cultural arts and traditional games are so diverse but many are endangered because there is nothing to preserve it. The longer, the Indonesian nation many know the game only through the written documentation. This is exacerbated by the current digital game technology that began to mushroom, and the change of social system in a more individualistic society. Thus it takes effort to keep preserve traditional games through the Early Childhood Education (ECD). ECD is an institution that supports the social system of friends to play traditional games. Curriculum development by adding themes Local Wisdom can be performed on all early childhood institutions in Indonesia so that our country is not experiencing a crisis of extinction of traditional games. This traditional game outlines the impact that occurs on children when playing. They can understand the plot and follow the rules of the game, so that children can be patient in waiting for their turn with other friends, and the interaction between groups goes well. With this, we use The ABCD approach is used as an effort to improve the quality of human life with a development pattern that places humans as the main actors, which has been implemented in Indonesia. Considering that this pattern is still a pilot, the support of various parties is really needed, moreover, universities as one of the educational institutions have a very strategic role in participating in this effort. ABCD is an effort that ensures that development activities are in a position where humans can develop their capacities in accordance with all the potential and assets they have. More than that, universities can play a role in realizing the formation of Indonesian people who are caring and active as citizens. ABCD is used as an approach to community service because the orientation of community service at PTKI is an effort to increase community capacity so that they have the power to recognize and utilize all the strengths and assets they have for the common good. Asset-based community development (ABCD) is considered the right approach to this problem.


