
  • Abdullah Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong
  • Fathullah Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong


Scholarships, Syafi'I Madzhab, Hanafi Madzhab, Zakat


Zakat is giving part of the assets that have reached the nisab, without any obstacles that are not given to them according to Sharia. But the problem is that after that it is collected and will be given to those who are entitled to the 8 asnaf (QS.:9:60) including the criteria for certain people who are not directly mentioned in the verse above. This can be seen when the assets are given to school dropouts who want to continue for economic reasons that do not support them, so everything fails halfway (does not materialize). The form of the problem above is what are the views of the Shafi'i and Hanafi madhhabs regarding the use of zakat for scholarships and where are the points of similarity and difference in the opinions of the two madhhabs. This research uses the Library Research approach (library research). After the data is collected, data analysis continues, by examining the data (editing), marking the data (systematizing) and systematic data (systematizing). The type of research used in this research is a comparative study. From the discussion above, it can be concluded that the use of zakat assets for scholarships (education costs) is permissible according to the Shafi'i school of thought and the Hanafi school of thought, as an extension of the meaning of Sabilillah or Ibn Sabil, the similarity of opinion lies in the permissibility of zakat assets for education costs for those in need. The clear difference is shown by the interpretation of the meaning of sabilillah and lilfuqara', where the Shafi'i madzhab gives a broad meaning, and the use of zakat assets for education costs is only for those who have achievements, but the Hanafi madzhab limits ownership (which is attached to a person). ) about his condition of lacking or needing assets.


