Dairy Cattle Implementation Process, Economic SupportAbstract
The process of implementing dairy cows is an activity from beginning to end that farmers do to produce quality cow's milk. The things that are done before starting a cattle farming business are the selection of cow seeds, housing, feeding and milk squeezing. The steps for milking cows are cleaning the cow's cage, giving a drink with water that has been mixed with SPA, bathing the cow until clean, and the cow is ready to be squeezed and do not forget to intersperse with feeding so that the cow can calm down when squeezed. This research aims to find out how the implementation process of this dairy cow in producing milk so that it can improve the economy of the community (farmers) in Krucil Village. This research uses qualitative methods with ABCD approach techniques. Primary data in this study are dairy farmers. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the process of implementing dairy cattle business affects the milk production of dairy cows produced. The results of this cow production can be a support for the community's economy.
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