Implementation,, Religius Moderation Values,, TPQAbstract
This research aims to analyze problems regarding the implementation or application of religious moderation values in the activities of reciting the Iqra’ and Al Qur’an at TPQ Khozinatul Mukhlasin, which is in Prasi Gading Probolinggo . The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The data needed is in the form of sentences or expressions from the source. The data collection techniques were carried out using observation, documentation, and interviews with teaching staff at TPQ Khozinatul Mukhlasin. The results of this research show that: 1) with the TPQ, it can make it easier for students or children to understand religion and strengthen attitudes of religious moderation from an early age. 2) the teacher or ustadz/ah has implemented the habit of cultivating attitudes that contain the values of religious moderation in their daily activities. So, later students will get used to these good habits, even outside of school.
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